85% of families of families use the app 3-4 times per week within 6 weeks.
30% Fewer Office Calls and Emails
740 hrs of stuffing
$2/student in paper
25% increase in participation and event attendance for PTAs and Volunteers.
300% increase in Parent Portal usage to view grades and attendance.
400% increase of message views over email.
"...the ability to communicate quickly has been amazing. Earlier in the year we had a gas leak and had to evacuate the building immediately and I was able to update parents in real time as to where the students evacuated to, where to pick them up etc, very quickly using the app and I do think it helped the community see how well we responded to the situation."
Adams City Middle School
- J. Haynes, Adams City Middle School
"The "Flyer Connect" App has proven to be the easiest and quickest way to work with my team of parent coordinators anywhere anytime. We are able to share information, documents, surveys, PPTs and more. It's better than email. We like sharing videos of our work in a way that is private and right in our hands. I look forward to what new features they come up with."
WVDE Office of Special Education
- Nancy M. Cline, WVDE
I can't tell you how pleased we are with your product, customer service and the difference we are being able to make with our communication.
Respect Academy
- Waunetta V., Principal
KIPP Colorado “I love how I can check grades on my phone without asking a teacher. The app is more than just school info, I use it all the time for things like college planning and activities." -Ricky, Student
Item LinkMontclair School of Academics and Enrichment "We're having great success with our app. We're reaching families in over 20 languages!" - Ryan K. , Principal
Item LinkGirls Athletic Leadership Schools "Just also want to take a moment to tell you how awesome you and your team are to work with. We're having trouble with another vendor and we keep saying to ourselves 'if only they were like Flyer!'" - Betsy B., Enrollment Coordinator
Item LinkKIPP Colorado “Even when families don’t have Internet access, most have smartphone access, and that’s why we feel Flyer is the best for family engagement. Flyer is really responsive and flexible when we have requirements specific to our school needs. The security is an easy opt-in instead of cumbersome logins and passwords." -Laura L., Director of Regional Operations
Item LinkAcademia Ana Marie Sandoval Montessori "Our families love it plus it's freed up our front office to be more proactive." - Araceli O., Principal
Item LinkSlavens K-8 PTA "Our PTA membership number are up. I believe this is because of the app. It is so great!" - Samantha S., PTA President
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