A logo for reachwell by flyer connect with a paper airplane on it.

Connecting families to their schools and communities.

Setup your Organization for Free

Flyer Connect engages and empowers diverse communities with translated communication, academic tools and social resources.

Engagement is hard

A man and a woman are standing next to each other on a black background.

Staff and 
families are overwhelmed

Families get lost...
checking district, school and teacher apps and sites.

Content isn't updated...
events and resources are missed.

Lots of tools to manage...
for registrations, signups, payments, etc.

Lack of message archives...
creates legal issues. 
A bunch of social media icons on a black background

Flyer Connect is an All-in-One Engagement Platform

Flexible structures for every community

Flyer Connect was designed for the smallest to largest communities.


Districts and Networks can view, measure and manage local activity.  Message conversations are always archived.


Admins associate community members in their correct organizations and groups through a nightly SIS Sync or Flyer's contact management tool. Members and families get the message without any effort.


Admins manage their own content for just their community.  No need to use multiple apps or manage lists.

103 Languages, Send One Message in Four Ways


Families set their language and add their school.

District, school and group messages are automatically translated.

Schools and partners can even share animation, images, rich-text and links via app notifications, email or text messages!

Unified Messaging

Send any message as an app notification, email, text and/or call.

Districts, schools, programs and teachers all connect with their families through one platform.

Information is consistent and updated.

Emergency alerts, newsletters, attachments and private chats are on-time and on-target with scheduled messaging and campaigns.

Drive Participation, Meet Deadlines

We all use a Google or Outlook calendar so why manage yet another calendar?

Flyer Connect's smart calendar integration syncs organization and group calendars so families have a custom view of what's happening.  

Families can even tap to add events to their personal calendar and receive reminder notifications too!

Stay on Track, Be a "Know-It-All"

Access grades through  Parent Portal, classroom apps and gradebooks.

Build skills with study guides and online help.

Set high expectations with milestones that are age and grade specific.

See it all, including free-reduced lunch applications, lunch menus, enrichment, athletic schedules and more!

Provide for Basic Needs, Build Strength

Social assistance tools deliver benefits, providers and guidance directly to families.  

Suicide-prevention, substance abuse, internet safety and cyber-bullying resources.

Send it In, Share a Voice

Flyer Connect's powerful forms tool digitizes any complex paper based processes including permissions, signups and registrations.

Drive instant responses to payments and surveys, and even schedule parent-teacher conferences!

Results are delivered with multiple options like spreadsheets, PDFs, email and text notifications.

How We're Different

Designed for Equity:
Get and keep families connected

Flyer Connect removes the barriers of connecting families.

Families just download the app and add their schools and nonprofits and they're connected.

As phone numbers disconnect or emails go unchecked the families stay connected via their device.

No device? No problem.  Families can also receive messages via call, translated text messages, translated emails and Facebook updates.

Flyer Connect never requires families to identify themselves  to access the help and resources they need. 

All-in-One Resource

One place to access all families need to support themselves and their child. 

Event Calendars, Communications, Forms, Surveys, Signups, Academic Tools and Social Assistance Resources.

Syncs with existing systems.

Content and communications are kept updated through our easy dashboard or common applications staff use daily.  Staff can own their content with leadership oversight.

Connections to dozens of Student Information Systems (SIS), Google and Outlook make is simple to keep content updated.

Personalized with your Brand and Content

Groups, Organizations, Schools and Districts

Community is about belonging. Share your spirit with branded logos, colors and easy to update banners.

Plain text messages, BLECH!
Extend your personality with formatted translated messaging including translated newsletters and picture messages
Manage all your own content, categories, group setup and privacy controls for your organization.

Families can choose to personalize their language and delivery type to maximize their own engagement.

130+ Translated Languages

Afrikaans Frisian Latin Shona
Albanian Galician Latvian Sindhi
Amharic Georgian Lithuanian Sinhala (Sinhalese)
Arabic German Luxembourgish Slovak
Armenian Greek Macedonian Slovenian
Azerbaijani Gujarati Malagasy Somali
Basque Haitian Creole Malay Spanish
Belarusian Hausa Malayalam Sundanese
Bengali Hawaiian Maltese Swahili
Bosnian Hebrew Maori Swedish
Bulgarian Hindi Marathi Tagalog (Filipino)
Burmese Hmong Mongolian Tajik
Catalan Hungarian Myanmar (Burmese) Tamil
Cebuano Icelandic Nepali Telugu
Chinese (Simplified) Igbo Norwegian Thai
Chinese (Traditional) Indonesian Nyanja (Chichewa) Turkish
Corsican Irish Pashto Ukrainian
Croatian Italian Persian Urdu
Czech Japanese Polish Uzbek
Danish Javanese Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil) Vietnamese
Dutch Kannada Punjabi Welsh
English Kazakh Romanian Xhosa
Esperanto Khmer Russian Yiddish
Estonian Korean Samoan Yoruba
Filapino Kurdish Scots Gaelic Zulu
Finnish Kyrgyz Serbian
French Lao Sesotho

Impact and Results

90% of Flyer Connect schools serve disadvantaged and ELL families.
95% of Flyer schools renew annually.
Download our Research

What They're Saying

What Schools Are Saying

Flyer Connect is secure and easy to setup and manage without technical resources.
Flyer Connect takes student privacy seriously. After all, we're parents too! We never sell or share data.
Please view our privacy policy by clicking the image below or contact us for more information.
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