Flyer Connect App
Changing the way schools communicate

Flyer connects districts, schools and teachers with every family through translated messaging and personalized resources

The Comprehensive Family Engagement 
Solution for Schools and Districts

Flyer is comprehensive, integrates with existing systems, translates and achieves fast adoption.  Flyer reaches families how they want to be reached.
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Flyer simplifies how schools work with families

We’ve eliminated the confusion of searching through multiple websites and apps. We created a single source for families to manage their entire school life including newsletters, registrations, conference signups and calendars. Flyer can pull in other applications keeping families organized and informed.

Improving access and build connections 

With Flyer, users just download the free app to their smartphone. Schools and districts have the option to require personal information and passwords. Families are instantly connected to their school and resources right on their phone.





Reach families in their language.

Flyer is pushing the boundaries of translation; from the moment families launch their app, their entire experience is in their language. 

Human translated messaging

All information including messages and invites are translated into dozens of languages using either machine or our new automated human translation service. Chat messages from families are automatically translated back to English for teachers! 
Flyer Is Secure

Flyer takes student privacy seriously; after all, we're parents too!  We never sell or share data. Our app permissions are necessary for families to engage with the schools. Please view our privacy policy by clicking the image below or contact us for more information.
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How We're Different

  • Customized and comprehensive for the school
  • Rapid adoption reaching over 70% of families with a few months
  • Fast learning curve by leveraging familiar staff tools 
  • One update syncs with social media, email, text, app and website
  • Strict student privacy rules, no SIS integration
  • Multilingual communication reaches all families
  • Supporting the whole family with assistance resources
  • Actively drive positive parent behavior
  • We're always innovating and providing new features to our schools

Family and Living

Removing hurdles is the first step to increasing engagement. Flyer apps put families in touch with the community resources they need to get focused on their education.

Student and Classroom

Flyer goes beyond menus and calendars. Instant access to grades, classroom and blended learning tools pulls the classroom into the home.

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